Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806




The central aim of our Early Years provision is to develop high levels of emotional, social and physical well-being in all children. The school celebrates the local community, carefully considering and respecting the cultures, backgrounds, individual needs and gender of all children. The children are given opportunities to access learning taking into account their individual stage of development. We  work closely with Key Stage One to make transitions happy and positive experiences.

 We also believe that a strong home-school partnership is essential in order to develop each child’s potential. Parents/Carers are the first and most important educators of their children. We aim to develop positive relationships with families, taking into account their needs as we support each child in their first steps beyond the home.


The Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage profile and approach is implemented within all aspects of EY children's learning opportunities.   In the Foundation Stage follows the Early Learning Goals in the seven areas of learning as set out the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.

There are 3 Prime areas of learning which are Communication and language, Physical Development and Personal, social and emotional development

There are 4 Specific areas of learning
  • Literacy
  • Understanding of the world
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Mathematics

The Early Learning Goals set out a clear progression of skills and knowledge for each area of learning.

Teaching and learning with very young children is based on practical experiences and activities with a great emphasis on the development of speaking and listening skills.
At the end of the Foundation Stage (end of Reception) children are assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile. Children are assessed against each of the 7 areas of learning.

This is an individual assessment carried out by the teacher during normal lesson time. The children themselves are not aware of the assessment.
The results of this assessment are fully discussed with parents.