Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. Parents
  2. Healthy School Meals

 School Meals

The school is committed to promoting healthy eating as part of our Personal, Social and Health education programme. Our school meals are an important way of presenting children with a range of healthy but appealing food options.

School meals are prepared on site and served in the halls using a cafeteria system. The school cook, and the kitchen staff provide a very high standard of midday meal. There is always a choice of menu including a vegetarian dish and sandwiches, plus an excellent salad bar. Packed lunches can also be provided when children go on school visits.




Please complete the form below if your child is moving into Year 3 in September 2024.  If you do not submit an option on the form school will assume that your child is taking a school meal at £2.65 per day and you will be charged accordingly.


If your child is moving into Year 3 in September they will no longer qualify for Universal Free School Meals. You will therefore have to either : a) Apply for Free School Meals b) Pay for a school lunch c) Bring a packed lunch

 Dinner Money

Dinner money can be paid on a Monday morning for the following week using our cashless system.  If you need to pay by cash please put your dinner money in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name, class and the amount.  A receipt for the amount collected will be sent home with your child. 

A free school meal is provided to some children by reason of the parents’ income level in accordance with scales laid down by the local education authority. If you think your child may be entitled to free meals please contact the school or the Education Offices. Children receiving free school meals are not distinguished from those who pay.

Packed Lunches

If you wish your child to have a packed lunch, please support our health education program by encouraging your child to eat healthily, e.g. include fresh fruit and vegetables, avoid high fat and high salt contents.
Please do not include sweets or chocolate bars in packed lunches.
Children bringing a packed lunch must bring it in a named lunchbox.

Please do not send any items that contain nuts into school. 

If a healthy drink is brought children are expected to pour it into a cup or drink through a straw; drinking from bottles is not allowed at table. Fizzy/energy drinks are not permitted. No bottles, cans or flasks are allowed.

If you wish to change your child’s meal pattern, e.g. change from packed lunch to school meals, a terms notice must be given at the main office as food is ordered a term in advance and staffing levels in the kitchen depend on the number of school meals ordered.

The children are supervised at lunchtime by Teaching Assistants under the direction of the Headteachers.

Water Bottles

There has been much research promoting the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day, therefore every child should bring a named water bottle for use in school.

In addition to the many health benefits, the evidence also indicates that there is a strong link between drinking water and increased concentration in children. Obviously, this could have a very beneficial effect on children’s learning and progress.

The bottles should be freshly filled each day. Flavoured waters, squash, fruit juices or fizzy drinks are not allowed as they can all have a bad effect on children’s teeth if sipped regularly during the school day. Research shows that plain water is best for rehydration.

Free School Meals

If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals then call Redcar and Cleveland on 01642 771106 and they will complete an application over the telephone with you or you can email a completed application form direct to them (see below for the application form and details of how to complete it online).

Email with any queries to  -