Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. Curriculum
  2. Physical Education

Physical Education

The PE curriculum at Teesville Academy aims to develop children’s ability to excel in a broad range of physical activities including dance, games, gymnastics and swimming. We work alongside Simon Carson Sports to provide a range of afterschool activities including hockey, multi sports, netball and football.

PE offers children a combination of physical education, physical activity and competitive sports. Our curriculum ensures children are able to sustain physical activity for a period-of-time and encourages children to engage in competitive sports and activities. The curriculum meets all the expectations of the National Curriculum and goes beyond when and where possible. It sets out to be both fully inclusive, yet challenging. As an academy we have chosen to use the PE Scheme Complete PE, to support with teaching and learning, as well as assessment.

The content and sequencing of the curriculum has been carefully thought about so that pupils build upon prior learning, make connections and confidently develop their knowledge, skills and techniques for a range of different physical activities and sports. The curriculum is a progressive model so that by learning and practising the content pupils will make good progress as they move through the school from Early Years to Year 6.

In Early Years the curriculum focuses on children’s physical development, teaching and developing the fundamental skills of movement, balance, coordination, flexibility and agility.

In Key Stage 1, children will further develop these fundamental skills and begin to apply them in a range of sporting activities. They are given the opportunity to perform individually and with others and are encouraged to co-operate in competitive physical challenges.

In Key Stage 2, children develop and build upon previously taught knowledge, skills and techniques to use them in a variety of ways. It is here where children become increasingly more involved in competitive sports, modified where appropriate, and apply other taught principles such as attacking, defending and teamwork.  Key Stage 2 children are also given the opportunity to participate in outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. Our aim is for all pupils to leave Teesville Academy being able to swim a minimum of 25m. 

We are also members of our local Sport Partnership Team which provides opportunities for all pupils to take part in competitive sports and competitions. This year we are excited to be taking part in Creating Active Schools project.